Friday, August 7, 2009

..mY aMbiTiOn iN LiFe..♥

Different people have different ambitions. An ambition

is an eager, and sometimes an inordinate, desire for honor, superiority, power, or the attainment of something. To obtain a goal that is immensely desired. Ambition is something that everyone, no matter their age or cultural background, has instinctively. Ambition can be a driving force for success, or in some cases a road to failure. Without an ambition we have no purpose in our lives. They are ambitions which are impossible to achieve and ambitions which are possible to achieve.

In my entire life, I already had different ambitions. As I grow, my ambitions changes and grows. Sometimes I dreamed to be a God.But now I realized that I want to be a nurse. To be a nurse is something that I dreamed of.

I selected this field of work because there is self satisfaction in this job. The objective is to help others get relieved from their ailment and pain. Even though doctors are the one who cures the sick people, I want to help the doctor to cure them. Im happy if I can help a person to extend their lives. The nurse does a great service to the society.

In order to archieve this glorious ambition, I must study extremely hard. It would be very important to ace every important subject in my secondary education. I must achieve this ambition because this is my goal. Everyone should have some ambition in life. An ambition gives meaning and purpose to life.


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